
York Union of Golf Clubs

Cross Trophy Competition Entry requirements

Cross Trophy Competition Entry Rules Clarifications

 Following a number of recent queries would members please note :

·       to play in any YU Competition you must be a playing member of an affiliated YU Club

·       teams competing in the Cross Trophy must be playing members from the same YU Club

·       members with dual Club membership are permitted to play in the Cross Trophy providing they satisfy the above conditions and the Terms of Competition which can be found on the website. 


The results at Malton & Norton (understandably) led to some queries.  In relation to the winners (well played Andy / Daniel) - they are both members of - and were representing Tadcaster Golf Club.  Both are members of other clubs (in this case Sand Moor and Leeds Golf Centre). Intelligent Golf (the system we use to run competitions) links directly to the WHS system - and the WHS system recognises and displays the primary membership club. 

There was another pair who appeared to play for different clubs (Tadcaster / Selby) - but again both are members of Tadcaster Golf Club. 

Finally - there was an exceptional case on Sunday where an accident caused a late problem and a player was advised (in good faith) he was eligible to play with a player from another club to compete for prize vouchers but not Cross Trophy points. This has been clarified in the Terms of Competition - so in the unlikely event this situation arises again the scores will be null and void.  

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